
PicoPSU Adaptor for Macintosh SE & SE/30

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This adaptor lets you use Pico ATX PSU in Macintosh SE and SE/30.

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It replaces the original bulky and unreliable PSU, and uses very common 12V power brick instead.

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Get One / Other Stuff

Click me to get one!

Also available for Mac 128K / Plus, Apple II, and more! Check out the main page for details.

For more general-purpose diagnostics and retrofitting, check out the full-fat ATX4VC!

Table of Contents

Getting a Pico PSU

PicoPSU are tiny ATX power supplies for small PCs, but are perfect for retro computers as well.

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Remember that this solution is only as good as your PicoPSU and 12V Brick, so don’t skimp on them!

Kit Assembly

DON’T START YET!!! Keep reading :)

Observe the parts:

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Soldering Notes

Nothing too tricky in this kit, all basic through-hole stuff.

If this is your first time, a few tips:


Solder the main PCB as shown, follow the notes and reference photos.

The black 5x2 power connector is installed on the bottom side, make sure the notch faces the edge!

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Everything else is on top side:

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Push the power switch into the plate until it clicks in place.

Make sure the hole is on top and legs faces down.

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Insert into power switch PCB, make sure it sits flat and level.

Then solder it and the right-angle pin header in place.

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This is optional, but I like to clean off the flux with 90%+ isopropyl alcohol. Submerge and scrub with a toothbrush.

Make sure it is completely dry before proceeding.


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Board Features

Install two fuses as shown below:

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Power Switch

The pin header is connected to the ATX PS_ON pin.

Shorting them together turns on the PSU.

PC Fan Header

Pre-flight Checks

Use a multimeter to check for dead shorts between each power pin and GND:

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If all good, plug in Pico ATX PSU, short the two pins on the switch header, and plug in 12V power.

The PSU should turn on, measure the voltage on each rail and confirm they are within spec.


We’re going to take a rather large portion of the Macintosh apart, so make sure to take plenty of photos along the way!

Snap a photo before removing a screw or unplugging a connector! It never hurts to have reference.

Remove Back Cover

⚠️Dangerous CRT voltage inside! Make sure the computer is unplugged for a few hours! Or discharge the CRT yourself.

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Remove Old PSU

Further disassembly is needed to remove the old PSU.

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That’s it! The main culprit is out!

While You’re Here…

With everything apart, it might be a good idea to perform some maintenance.

Ideas include:

Install PicoPSU

With maintenance done, time to install the new PSU!

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Putting it Back Together

Time to put everything back! Pretty much the opposite of disassembly!

If everything checks out, take a breath, plug it in and turn it on.

If your Mac was working before, hopefully it still does!

If the Mac is of unknown condition, now you’ll find out!

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And if it doesn’t work, check out the troubleshooting guide.

Adding a Fan

There’s already a fan inside Mac SE, but you can add another one or replace it.

Any regular PC fan should work.

Make sure the fan is secured, nothing touches the blade, and air flow direction is correct.

Don’t mount the fan too close to the CRT, or the picture might wobble from the motor’s magnetic field.

Blanking Plate

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Put the rear shell back on (don’t forget the paper insulation over the motherboard!), and you’re done!

With the new PSU, a fresh maintenance, and upgraded cooling, your Mac should continue to provide entertainment for years to come!

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What’s with the wireless keyboard and mouse? Check out USB4VC!


This adaptor eliminates the PSU from the equation, but that’s only part of the puzzle!

If something else is wrong, you still need to fix it.

Nothing Happens / Garbled Screen

CRT Geometry Messed Up

I had this happen with a knock-off generic PicoPSU, changing to another one fixed it.

Screen Wobbles

Other Failures

Other common issues include:

I highly recommend watching Adrian’s Digital Basement Macintosh Repair-a-thon, where he covers a lot of those in detail.

The power connector and CRT deflection capacitors are notorious for cracking, here are some examples on mine:

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It might be very difficult to see with naked eye, so use magnification!

Flux + new solder should fix it right up, if you find one crack might as well do the whole row.

Questions or Comments?

Feel free to ask in official Discord Chatroom, raise a Github issue, or email dekunukem gmail.com!