
duckyPad Pro Spacer Adjustment

This guide shows how to resolve an clearance issue between a component and the bottom plate.

Who’s Affected?

If your backer number is greater than 155, it is already fixed!


An inductor on the PCB is slightly too tall, causing it to touch the bottom plate during assembly.

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The inductor used in the production run differs slightly from the one in prototyping, and I overlooked the height difference.

This oversight is entirely my fault, and I sincerely apologize.


The pressure may cause the PCB to bend slightly, putting stress on nearby components.

No hardware malfunctions have been reported yet, but it’s best to address the issue promptly.


Fortunately, it can be fixed by adding some washers to increase the clearance.

Easily doable by hand, here are some options:

Paper Washer

Easiest and fastest.

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Off-the-shelf / 3D-Printed Washer

If you already have some NON-METAL M2 washer, feel free to use them!

If you have a 3D printer, it’s trivial to print some.

Same steps as paper washer above.

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Replacement Fasteners

Of course, you can request a set of replacement fasteners to be sent for free!

Send me a message on Kickstarter or Discord.

It’s worth doing if you’re in UK, as it arrives next day.

Outside UK is going to take a week or so, so doing it yourself might be faster. But still, let me know!