
Common Issues / Troubleshooting

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Some commonly encountered issues are explained here.

Join Our Discord!

If you have issues not in this list, feel free to join our Official Discord to ask!

I press a key and nothing happens!

First of all, make sure the key has a script mapped to it.

If in doubt, use one of the sample profiles.

If none of the keys work

If a certain key doesn’t work

Take off the switch and inspect the pins, chances are one of them is bent:

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Straighten it up with a pair of pliers, then insert again.

Make sure the pins are straight and aim for hot-swap socket holes.

Letters and symbols come out wrong!

My script behaves inconsistently!

duckyPad might be typing too fast for your computer.

Slow it down with the following commands:

I want to use my own SD card!

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The RGB backlight is flickering slightly!

The RGB backlight is too bright!

Will OLED suffer burn-in?

Measures have been taken to prevent burn-in.

I want to replace the OLED screen!

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Numpad keys doesn’t work!

Make sure NUMLOCK is on.

Table of Contents

Main page

Getting Started Guide

Kit Assembly Guide

Using duckyScript

duckyScript VM

Tinkering Guide


Firmware Update

Questions or Comments?

Please feel free to open an issue, ask in the official duckyPad discord, or email!