
Getting Started with duckyPad Pro

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Kit Assembly


See this guide to put your duckyPad together!


Quick Start

Ensure the power switch is ON:

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Plug it in, use the UPPER USB port, and voilà:

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Create Your Own Scripts

After playing with examples and see what duckyPad can do, time to write your own!

Download Configurator


Download the latest configurator here

Unzip and launch by clicking duckypad_config.exe:

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Windows might complain about unsigned app.

Click More info and then Run anyway.

Feel free to review the files, or run the source code directly with Python.

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See instruction here!


Download the latest source release here

Using Configurator

Press the Connect button near top left.

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duckyPad Pro should show up as a USB storage drive.

Everything should load up. Might take a few seconds.

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It may seem complex at first, let’s break it down!


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Let’s make a new profile!

Click New button, give it a name.

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The middle columns are for keys:

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Finally, the rightmost column is for scripts:

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Remember to Save!

Try It Out!

duckyPad should reboot after saving.

Press +/- button to go to the new profile, and press the key.

It should execute the script and type out Hello World!:

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That’s it! Now you know how to customise your duckyPad!

🎉 🎉 Great Job, but we’re not done yet!

⚠️⚠️ Please keep reading for more useful information!

Rotary Encoders

You can assign actions to Rotary Encoders just like any other key.

Better to keep it short to feel more responsive.

Some ideas:

External Switches

You can also wire up your own Buttons / Switches / Foot pedals using the optional Expansion Module.

Click me for details

Profile Auto-Switching

duckyPad can switch profiles automatically based on current active window.

Click me for details

Careful with Passwords!

It might be tempting to have duckyPad type out passwords, but beware that all scripts are stored as plain text on SD card. Not a good idea!

Automatic backups

Bluetooth Mode

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Tips and Tricks

Keyboard Shortcuts

The most obvious use case is putting your commonly used hotkeys on duckyPad!

For many applications, you can find an official list of shortcuts. Just search app_name shortcuts on Google. Examples:

Firefox and Chrome

Windows and macOS

Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and other Office apps.

Photoshop, Final Cut Pro, and Premiere Pro.

Launching Apps on Windows - Task Bar

Another popular usage is launching apps. The easiest way is using Task Bar:

Find the app, Right click -> More -> Pin to taskbar:

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Now you can use WIN + number to launch them:

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In duckyScript, it would be WINDOWS 1, WINDOWS 2, etc.

Launching Apps on Windows - Shortcuts

This method works with ANY FILE, not just apps!

Right click on any file, select Create shortcut.

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Find the new shortcut, right click and select Properties

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Set a hotkey in the Shortcut Key box:

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Then assign the combo on duckyPad!

In this case, the duckyScript would be CONTROL ALT D.

Launching Apps on macOS

Go to System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Shortcuts -> App Shortcuts:

Press + button, select app, assign a hotkey, and set up duckyPad accordingly:

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Advanced Scripting with Autohotkey

You can use the free and open-source Autohotkey for even more advanced scripting needs.

duckyPad can press a simple combo like WIN + F1, which triggers autohotkey to execute a more complex script on your PC.

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Check out the official tutorials, and how to launch AHK on startup.

For macOS, you can try bettertouchtool.

I’m Having Issues!

Please take a look at the Common issues / Troubleshooting guide.

If that doesn’t help, feel free to contact me by opening an issue or ask in the official duckyPad discord.

Firmware Update

You can update duckyPad’s firmware for new features and bug fixes.

Click me for details

Tinkering Guide

Being open source, it is very easy to modify the firmware of your duckyPad Pro.

Click me for details.

Dimension Drawing

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Community Showcase

3D Printed Case by msetsma / Mitch!

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Table of Contents

Main page

Getting Started Guide

Kit Assembly Guide

Using duckyScript

duckyScript VM

Tinkering Guide


Firmware Update

Questions or Comments?

Please feel free to open an issue, ask in the official duckyPad discord, or email!